If Bees Are Few…

Posted by jimini - 06/11/13 at 02:11 pm

Non-Urban Garden in collaboration with Doris Denekamp
Our design for a Non-Urban Garden as part of the project Gardens of the 21st century at Kunstvereniging Diepenheim has been accepted. Hurrah!
The title for our project has been taken from a line in the poem To make a prairie by the American poet Emily Dickinson. The line, If Bees Are Few… used thus, as an unfinished sentence, raises questions about the far-reaching consequences of a seemingly frivolous statement. What happens if bees become few? This question, one of increasing urgency, has inspired our thinking about the design of a garden for the 21st century.
In March, Doris and I presented our initial design for our Non-Urban Garden at Kunstvereniging Diepenheim along with a small booklet.
A number of logistical factors, in particular the difficulty of finding a large location for the fantasy plan we had initially envisaged, as well as the problem of upkeep, prompted us to develop a new plan for this garden relating to the issue of worldwide bee deaths…
The definitive plan for If Bees Are Few… consists of two complimentary parts – a book and a sculptural work in the landscape. Read more…

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